
Cepic Survey, Call For Participation

After the first Cepic congress day, agencies are asked to participate in a industry survey


The stock image market has never been studied at a fully global scale. Our current knowledge about the size and other characteristics of this market depends on the educated guess of experienced business insiders rather than on systematic research.

In collaboration with CEPICPACA and the Heidelberg Research Group on the Global Stock Image Market, we are carrying out the first-ever global survey of the picture industry. This survey includes more than 2,900 stock image agencies and archives worldwide.

The study seeks answers to the following questions: What is the size of the global picture trade? How do picture agencies reach their markets? What are appro¬priate business models? Where are the new markets?

Please help us to create a comprehensive understanding of the global picture market by participating in this survey. You will receive a personal invitation within the next days and we would be grateful for your support. Every respondent will receive a free report with the results of the survey.

Thank you for your support and best regards

Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses