
Digital Decade II: Creative Insights from Our Jury

By Julia


What do you think of the future of digital imagery?

20 years ago we used to create images with Polaroid cameras and draw vector images in the first version of Corel; ten years ago we were already able to create websites using FrontPage. Today it’s even possible to make a website using your mobile phone and to print objects with 3D printers. What is our future going to be like?

Marius: I have always been interested in the interplay between art, design and technology. Ever since we started designing experiences, products or art, we have been disappointed with the results to a certain degree. This dissatisfaction and will to push things forward is what lets us do so much more with digital imagery. I see technology as a tool to enrich our lives. We as artists and designers continue to elaborate on technology and most importantly the experiences we can now have with its advantages. And since technology is a tool, it can only enrich what we create with it.

I think digital imagery creation will become more and more “human” and natural.I think in the future, technology will be more and more about connectivity, and we will be able to use all that data that we gather through technology to create even more beautiful and incredible work.

Hector: For me, there’s no such thing as digital imagery. Imagery is pure creativity.

Why have you decided to devote yourself to digital technologies?

Hector: I have never devoted myself to digital technologies. In fact, I never devote myself to something specific since that’s a dull thing to do. I was able, and still am, to coexist with all these innovative creations and use them for my own good, and to feed my own creativity.

Marius: Ever since I started working with digital technology I was fascinated by it’s adaptiveness. Whether you are interested in pushing the boundaries of the endurance of your favorite game’s own avatar or want to achieve impossible artwork or design with your tools. You dig deeper and deeper and immediately alter and improve the outcome of your work. I just love this feeling of flow and discovery I get from working with digital technology. It’s such a beautiful conjunction of work and play.

Claudio: It really wasn’t a conscious decision; I’ve always been a gamer. When I first got internet at home I remember playing some games, tinkering a little bit and suddenly feeling amazed when I realized I could actually create content for it. Before the internet I drew comics and published my own magazine in high school (good old quarkXpress); the internet made me faster and better. I’m still amazed when someone interacts with my work, and I find working in a digital environment the best way to achieve that.

Have you been so very creative since childhood?

Sara: I think I was actually more creative as a child. I think many of us are. Or maybe not more creative; maybe just more uninhibited. I still look at things I wrote or drew as I kid and get jealous of my former self. My

Dear friends, we’re excited to introduce the professionals who have kindly agree to be the jury members of Digital Decade II. Please welcome Sara Blake (Illustrator and Artist), Hector Ayuso (OFFF Festival Founder), Claudio Guglieri (Associate Creative Director, Fantasy Interactive), and Marius Bauer (Interactive Design Entrepreneur). We have asked them several questions about the past, the future and the present of art – and digital imagery in particular – and we are happy to share their creative insights with you!

What do you think of the future of digital imagery?

20 years ago we used to create images …read more

Via: Deposit Photos


Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses