
Did Photography Change Your Life? Let it Change the Lives of Others.

By Allen Murabayashi

Me and my trusty Olympus OM-4 in 7th grade.

For many photographers, there is a seminal moment in their past when photography captured their imagination. I had a 110 film camera when I was very young, but for me things changed when a neighbor gathered a few kids together on a Saturday morning and showed us how to use a light meter and a SLR camera.

The love affair was, well, instant.

My trusty Olympus OM-4 in 7th grade.

I immediately understood that my Instamatic camera was barely scratching the surface of what photography was and could be. Suddenly, I was exposed to apertures, shutter speeds, ISO and the mathematical connections between …read more

Via: Photoshelter


Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses