
Food with finesse

By Stu

Victoria Petrashova

Victoria Petrashova is a German-based, Russian-born, Fotolia stock contributor who takes some delectable food pictures!

We asked how she got started as a contributor, why she specializes in food, and how she stops herself eating her delicious creations before she photographs them!

Fotolia: Hello, Victoria!

Victoria Petrashova: Hello, Fotolia! My name is Victoria, and I am a software engineer working in web development in Nuremberg, Germany. I am native Russian and studied computer science in Moscow, but moved to Germany several years ago.

Fo: Whenb did you first discover your love for photography?

VP: I have always loved to take photograph. I learned a …read more

Via: Fotolia


Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses