partners with Getty Images, an aggregator of stock footage databases, has partnered with Getty Images and added its entire footage database of more than 500.000 clips on the platform. The company that’s been in business since 1994, has been a destination for production companies looking for stock, archival and news footage.
“The partnership with Getty Images adds greatly to the breadth, depth and value of our footage search engine, and we look forward to providing Getty Images with another channel to serve the global production community,” said President Domenick Propati. “We are especially pleased that users will now have access to Getty Images’ amazing collection of high-quality contemporary footage.”
The Getty Images collection includes footage from world-renowned image partners including Universal Studios, Discovery FootageSource, AP Archive, dick clark productions, inc., Warner Bros. Entertainment, among others.
“Through this partnership, we will improve the ease with which our customers can search for stock footage,” said Danielle Leeper, global product manager, footage for Getty Images. “Our vast collection of stock motion content, combined with’s search engine capabilities, will facilitate a more seamless search and access experience for our customers.”