
Friday Fun: David Yellen Shoots on Location with a Snapping Turtle and Uninvited Alligator

By David Walker


This month’s PDN cover features Ernie Brown Jr., aka The Turtleman, posing in a swamp with a large, irritated snapping turtle on his knee. For photographer David Yellen, the shoot–to promote Animal Planet’s Call of the Wildman–was more harrowing than it looks.

It took place last February on the edge of a swampy pond in northern Florida. Location scouts had certified the pond as alligator-free. But Turtleman announced upon arrival that there was an alligator about. “We called bullshit on him, but he said, ‘See those air bubbles over there? They’re going to start moving.’ And five minutes later we saw …read more

Via: PDN Pulse


Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses