
Getty Images To Shoot 2012 Olympics In 3D

Getty Images will use 3D technology to cover the 2012 London Olympics.


Getty Images, the official Photographic Agency to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), has announced that it will shoot the London 2012 Olympic Games in stunning 3D. This will be the first time Getty Images has shot the Games using this technology and Getty Images is deploying a handful of 3D-dedicated photographers to ensure the best still shots are captured.

Getty Images first used 3D photography when shooting the Royal Wedding in April and believe the technology will give a new dimension and unprecedented insight to the world’s greatest sporting event; ensuring customers experience a unique perspective of all the action.

In addition to their 3D offering, Getty Images will also have a team of photojournalists covering all aspects of the London 2012 Olympic Games, providing near instant access to the magical moments as they unfold. Utilising the very latest technology and transmission, this high quality content will be uploaded to the dedicated site www.gettyimages.com/olympics within seconds of the action happening.

“Getty Images photographers will capture the very heart and soul of every emotion and action, enabling us to supply customers with the widest possible range of images to meet their needs – and the fact that we now have an additional 3D stills offering is testament to our mission to offer innovative, ground breaking content,” said Jonathan Klein, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Getty Images. “The Olympic Games is the most respected sporting event in the world and has made an indelible impression in our collective memories with its visually rich history and Getty Images will help ensure this is once again the case at London 2012.”

With an elite roster of award-winning photographers and an unrivalled heritage of capturing both the Olympic Games and other high profile sporting events in London, this will be Getty Images’, formerly Allsport’s, 13th consecutive event as the official Photographic Agency to the IOC.

Getty Images will be deploying a team of approximately 60 renowned and award-winning sports photographers working around the clock to capture a record 30,000 images at the Games

For further information on Getty Images’ involvement as the official photographic agency of the IOC visit www.gettyimages.com/olympics .

Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses