Informal Cepic Meeting Helps 2012 Conference Planning
A number of stockphoto industry executives have met with Cepic, the stockphotography organisation in London to start preparations for the 2012 conference.
Senior executives from London’s largest agencies including Corbis, The Bridgeman Art Library, Getty Images, Photoshot, Alamy, and Image Source joined together with BAPLA, The World Photo Organisation, iComp and Everywoman to meet CEPIC to discuss the forthcoming Congress in May next year which was also attended by CEPIC’s immediate Past-President, Alan Smith. The resounding message that came out of 2 hours brainstorming is that London CEPIC 2012 will be amazing! All the great things that make the congress what it is will remain the same, but there will be much much more as 2012 aims to deliver a truly inclusive celebration of this creative industry.
There will be more opportunities for business, more opportunities for learning as CEPIC 2012 attracts more thought leaders, more photographers and clients than ever before. Ideas tumbled out onto the table for discussion on how to give our delegates a real creative treat with screenings of well known photographers, showcasing business success stories, welcoming people from outside our industry whilst not forgetting the practical immediate needs of our industry and answering questions such as What should I be doing next? What should I be charging for my pictures? What is the next big thing?