
Julian Germain photographed classrooms in 19 countries all over the world

By Brennavan Sritharan

Gambela Elementary School, Gambela, Welisso District, Ethiopia. Grade 1, Music. October 9th, 2009

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s Ethiopia or Germany”, says Julian Germain, the British photographer who has spent the last 11 years photographing children in their classrooms at school’s all over the world.

“Each school is instantly recognisable,” Germain says. “A teacher standing in front of rows of children in an oblong space, with a blackboard at one end is the template of education throughout the world.”

This universal experience is something that Germain has captured in his aptly named series Classroom Portraits, that will have its UK premiere at the Towner Art Gallery in Eastbourne at the beginning of October. …read more

Via: BJP


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