
Pricing & Negotiating: Studio Portraits Of Spokesmen For Social Media

By Wonderful Machine


by Craig Oppenheimer, Wonderful Machine

Shoot Concept: Portraits of two spokesmen previously featured in television commercials in various lifestyle scenarios

Licensing: Web Collateral use of up to 13 images for 3 months

Location: A studio in California

Shoot Days: Two

Photographer: Portraiture and lifestyle specialist

Agency: Mid-sized, based on the East Coast

Client: Large food company

Here is the estimate:

Creative/Licensing: The agency had recently produced a series of television commercials introducing two spokesmen for the brand, and they were now interested in extending the concept into their social media marketing. Specifically, they wanted to promote a contest on the brand’s Facebook page, and they …read more

Via: A Photo Editor


Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses