
Taylor Swift Makes Photo Contract Concessions | I Love Photography | Ep. 58

By Allen Murabayashi


Taylor Swift makes photo contract concessions, Joni Sternbach creates beautiful tin types of surfers on the beach, and old photos of Penn Station will break your heart. We cover it all in this week’s I Love Photography podcast.

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Our weekly look at all things photographic with Fernando Gomes and PhotoShelter co-founder Allen Murabayashi.

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0:44 Taylor Swift makes concessions on photography contract
2:20 Sylvie Robert’s Tippi: My Book of Africa
5:39 Joni Sternbach’s Surf Site Tin Type
8:58 <a target=_blank href="" …read more

Via: Photoshelter


Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses