
Content Is King In This Cannes Seminar

The Canneslions festival that will take place in June 2011 is still adding speakers to its schedule. This session, which features Robert Redford, focusses on changes in how stories are being told in a hyper connected media environment.

Content as Conversation Catalyst

Actor, Director, Producer, Creator – Sundance
EVP, Americas Region – Yahoo!
Founder, CEO – Electus

Everyone has heard that content is king, but as audiences migrate online, who’s ruling the kingdom? In just a few short years, we’ve experienced massive shifts in the way audiences consume and interact with media, yet content producers and publishers haven’t evolved the way they tell their stories. These changes have also left many marketers are struggling to understand how the new principles of content consumption are affect the way we connect with today’s audience.

How have consumer expectations changed the way we develop new experiences? And when it comes to telling stories in today’s hyper-connected environment, what’s changed, what still needs to change, and what are the tried and true practices that may never change regardless of the medium? Join some of the best storytellers in the industry for a discussion around storytelling and the technology that fuels it

Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses

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