
Find contacts by mapping your connections

7 Degrees has launched a product that creates maps of your connections to people and companies. It shows a graphical representation that looks a  bit like a mindmap. One of the applications could be for a sales team that wants to find out who they know at a prospect client. It’s the first product of 7 Degrees, a company that aims to: “solve some unique, technically-challenging customer problems by building compelling Internet applications on top of its powerful graph database

7 Degrees, Inc.
7-degrees.com | October 20, 2009
Quote: Salespeople, Biz Dev Managers, and Investment Bankers: Get warm introductions to sales prospects and potential partners Recruiters: Get warm introductions to your targeted passive candidates; and accelerate due diligence by quickly finding great people who can provide objective opinions on candidates Venture Capitalists: Perform due diligence on entrepreneurs and management teams in which you are considering investing; get warm introductions to new Limited Partners Entrepreneurs: Find the VCs to whom you have the strongest connections so you can get warm introductions to them Fundraisers: Find great, new potential contributors – based on who your existing contributors are – and get warm introductions to them Financial Advisors: Get “Personalized Leads Lists” (i.e., qualified leads to whom you are closely connected and to whom you can get warm introductions)

PeopleMaps Helps Graph Personal And Professional Connections
TechCrunch | October 20, 2009
Quote: Startup 7 Degrees is launching PeopleMaps, a social business application that aims to give professionals direct visibility into how they are connected to any person or company. Basically, PeopleMaps sifts through educational, social and business information to determine personal and professional relationships between people.

Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses