
New website shows endless stream of anonymous images

A new website called YeahYeahYeahYeahYeah allows users to upload images from their mobile phone. The site then shows an endless stream of images without any further information. Images can literally be of anything, and so far, have stayed clear of the kind of subjects that generally takes over new community-oriented sites. There are no captions, authors , or any other information about the images or its creators. The site uses Cellblock functionality and then simply and immediately publishes the images to the stream, there is no advertising, no sharing, no business, it seems.

Yeah was created by Tyler Healy of Type/Code, a collective of designer/developers from Parsons School of Design in New York. On Mashable he says the site: “challenges the ideas of surveillance, and public versus private by creating a medium for people walking down the street to instantly anonymously broadcast their experiences to the world using today’s mobile phone technology.”

You can contribute here: yeah@yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah.com. The site will raise some copyright and especially privacy issues over time.


Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses

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