
New York Times announcing new way to read the news

Recognizing that readers access news in many different ways the New York Times is offering an new customer RSS tool.  The tools has a intuitive interface that allows readers to type in subjects they are interested in, drill down, and then choose which ones to include in the feed.

“Our new custom RSS tool is intended for all Times readers — not just developers. It provides a simple way to query the Times Article Search API and a standard way to consume the results.”

Custom Times Feeds

To use it, simply start typing something into the text field at the top. As you type, the application will try to match your words to our normalized list of terms. You can then either add one or more of the normalized terms to your feed (which will result in more targeted results) or add your original search phrase. (To add a term, click the arrow next to it to move it to the list of Your Feed’s Terms. To remove a term from your list, click the X next to it.)

via Announcing Custom Times Feeds – First Look Blog – NYTimes.com.

Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses