
News from our digital media community [Updated]

[Updated] Picture buyers can now post research requests in the new group Picture search requests. Libraries and photographers can see the requests when they come in, ask for clarifications, send direct messages and post links to lightboxes with a selection of relevant content.

Here’s a quick update from our, now one week old community for digital media buyers, sellers and those that create it. In just under a week we now have about 60 members, which is a great start. We’ve been hearing from a few people that they’ve registered but we haven’t seen them yet on the page. This probably means something has gone wrong with the registration. Here are some pointers:


Make sure that when you save your registration details, the site brings you to the confirmation page. If not, you missed out something or an entry may not be correct. The registration form will give you pointers about what has gone wrong. It may be a problem with the username (lowercase only, no spaces), your display name may be missing or perhaps the password doesn’t match.

Once you’re on the confirmation page an email is on its way to you. Do check your spam folder as you need to click this email to confirm your registration. Once this is done you’re in and you can upload your picture and start updating your status.

Groups, members and friendship requests

This works pretty much like on other community sites. If you see a member  you want to connect with just send him or her a friend request and once they confirm you’re connected. We now have four groups on the site and you can start a new one about any subject you want to bring forward. You can also start one for your company and share blogposts, news and links that you want your contacts and our visitors to see. If there is a story, we may pick it up and feature it on the frontpage.

In the meantime, keep the community active with your statusupdates, we have thousands of visitors every month that you can keep up to date and informed.


Now it’s a case of spreading the word and inviting others to join in, the bigger the community the more you can network, promote your company, and even do business quickly and effectively.

All the best in buiding your network with Fast Media Connect

Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses

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