
The latest savings on photography and software for our readers

We recently posted a list of 105 free websites and we’re working on highlighting more interesting groups of companies to watch. With over 1.200 companies listed in our directory we already have a lot to choose from. We have also started to work with some of the companies we have listed and they are now providing their products and services through Fast Media Group. And here’s the extra benefit: Because we go directly to the source, we can offer them at great value to you, our readers. Here are two of the latest products we’ve added:

Imense annotator at 30% discount

This is what Imense  says about their annotator product: By using our unique commercial vocabulary to keyword your images, you have a greater chance of picture researchers finding and buying your images. Annotator Pro can reduce your keywording time up to 75%. If you supply to more than one agency, our automatic keyword export can save you even more time re-keywording for different agency formats.

Just use the code SEJ4T and claim your discount.

Dorling Kindersley Images at 15% Discount

DK images is the website where the UK publisher sells their images on a wide variety of subjects. There are now over 3 million, from gardening and animals to travel and health and the human body. If you check them out and like what you see you will get a 15% discount as a visitor of Fast Media Group. 

Just use the code FMG01 and claim your discount. (please call +44 (0)20 7010 6685 or email their team with the code)

We will keep you posted on new deals when they come in and do let us know if you would like to see a company added to our shop.

Note: We have affiliate agreements with some, but not all, of the companies listed. This means that if you buy any of the products the supplier pays us a referral commission. This commission goes off our own share and we pass the majority of any margin on to our visitors directly. This way you always get the best deal possible.

Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses