
Google merges Maps with Earth, launches Earthview

Google is merging its Google maps  and Google earth  applications and calls it Earth view. It takes the current satellite view that’s available in Google maps a step further. Earth view offers a three dimensional perspective with fluid motion from any viewpoint. It even lets you dive in the ocean. Check out something they’ve done earlier for a great demo.

“New to 3D? We’ve collected some cool places around the world for you to explore with a single click. Ever been to the Taj Mahal? How about the Sydney Opera house, or South Africa’s Table Mountain? You can even dive under the ocean and check out the wreckage of the Titanic. Just click one of the icons in the left panel and you’ll be flown from space down to your chosen location, which you can explore further by clicking and dragging the map or by using the navigation controls in the top of the view. We have 36 places set aside for you to explore, and you can cycle through them by clicking the “More places” link.”

You can explore earthview here


Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses

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