
Largest Indoor Photo Ever Taken

360 Geocities has created a 40 gigapixel photo, breaking the previous record for an indoor picture. Here’s what it looks like


A newly published photo of the ancient Philosophical Library at Strahov Monastery takes the crown as the largest interior photo in the world. The image of Strahov Philosophical Library, at 360cities.net/library, has a total resolution of 40 gigapixels, or 40 billion pixels. Shot by photographer Jeffrey Martin over a period of five days, the image reveals the highestresolution view of any interior space that has ever been captured. In the image, thousands of priceless, ancient books are visible, in detail down to the worn leather on the spines; the fresco on the ceiling of the library is captured down to the brush strokes and cracks in the plaster. In short, this photo captures the details of room in a way that has never been done before. Previous attempts at world record gigapixels include Martin’s 80-gigapixel image of London, a 26-gigapixel image of Paris, a 70-gigapixel image of Budapest, a 26-gigapixel image of
Dresden, and Martin’s previous record holder from 2009, an 18-gigapixel spherical image of Prague. This new Strahov 40 gigapixel image, if printed at normal photographic resolution, would be 23 meters long and 12 meters tall.

Martin, a panoramic photographer and the Founder of 360Cities.net, created the Strahov 40 gigapixel image from 2947 high-resolution individual photos. These photos were then stitched together into one single image using a powerful workstation PC.

Marco | Editor

Editor and founder of a bunch of stockphoto businesses

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